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Going Back To Your Inner Innocence

    The world has become an interesting place to navigate through these days. There are global, societal, political, social, relational, psychological, and personal challenges rising to the surface and abruptly enacted through our external experiences every - single - day. The onslaught of information and happenings is sometimes unbearable, disconnecting, and frankly unGodly. It's scary. Some of us are seeking humanity under rocks and some of us feel trapped, alone, angry, and at a loss at times a loss of individual power and sense of freedom.


     This new paradigm or cycle of deep cleansing in the world is off-balancing and out of alignment. What we once sought after for comfort, connection, and harmony is no longer working because the purge is so great and the healing potentials are so much deeper than ever before. It's no longer a single, individual experience. It's become a collective and shared experience now, that's been thrust upon us making the burden that much heavier. In troubled times, the propensity is to run or join the masses. We forget that our greatest power and influence is cultivating our spirit, and doing our own work. 


     There is a calling in times of great struggle to direct your next steps back to yourself, to come home. God said, "Do not change yourself to be like the people of this world but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you. You will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what is perfect." (Therefore, connecting to what is good and pleasing to your spirit in perfect alignment with God.) - Romans 12:2. When I read that verse, I think about coming back to my inner innocence--to that place inside that is pure, untouched, and knows exactly what's needed to rebalance, remember, and remind myself of what's most important to me, which is a way back to my power. 


     Today's world is indeed unrecognizable but your soul is everlasting. Use your time, energy, and focus to return to your true innocent self. This will reestablish who you are and who you want to be in this world in a more gentle, kind, and deeply compassionate way. That is how we make the world a better place, resurrecting one soul at a time, one person at a time. 


Below are some gentle questions to help shift focus in a more nurturing way. If the goal is to heal ourselves, and the world, then start with building your internal kindness muscle.


  1. Where there is a feeling of loss...  Ask yourself, how do I support and show up for myself?

  2. Where there is a feeling of loss...  Ask yourself, how do I support and show up for myself?

  3. Where there are inconsistencies... Ask yourself, where am I being consistent in my life?

  4. Where there is chaos and feelings of urgency... Ask yourself, what do I need to feel steady and calm?

  5. Where there is a feeling of insecurity... Ask yourself, where do I need to connect with my power, my ability to have choices and make clear decisions?

  6. Where there is a feeling of mistrust... Ask yourself, can I allow myself to come back to the sensations in my body to inform me?

  7. Ask yourself, Can you remember your past experiences in a way that informs you about your present circumstances? Can you connect to your past experiences as a source of support that you can rely on and trust? Can you allow your inner knowledge and wisdom to guide you at the moment and put action in your next steps?


     Jennifer Circosta is our AFSI Blogger, Public Relations Assistant, and Emotional Wellness Coach. She is the Owner of GENTLE TOUCH HEALING 💜 

Healing through Compassion. She can be reached at:

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